About Us @ Apex Herbals
Our Mission Statement: To provide stellar customer service and knowledge to our customers by providing access to quality herbals, CBD, and health-improving supplements.
Welcome to Apex Herbals! It is so important to form and maintain successful relationships with customers so they feel like more than just dollars and cents on a balance sheet. In today’s world, customers want to know they can trust a store to provide them quality goods at a reasonable price. We know there are a ton of vitamin, herbal, and now CBD stores that are popping up everywhere. However, one thing that is certain is there are many questions arising with the expanding CBD hemp market that is causing a variety of responses from consumers. Many customers don’t know where to turn, or “who” to ask their questions to. Many have lost faith in their doctors, or possibly on the brink of giving up altogether because nothing is working. Many people are so desperate they will believe just about anything, and pay just about any price without knowing what they are putting in their bodies.

Like many children growing up in the 1980’s, I suffered with allergies and food allergies. I constantly had sinus infections, developed severe asthma, and my immune function was impaired to the point where I was sick a lot. As I entered my 20’s, I was fed up with taking medication to control my asthma and allergies. My body was crippling due to the side effects of the drugs. I began research into natural health and herbalism to take control of my health. With dietary changes, specific herbs, and exercise, I was able to cure – (yes, cure) my asthma and get off all of my medications. In my first set of early college days, I was studying web design, and was working various jobs in retail and vitamins. I was trained in herbs and vitamins along with their uses on a more personal level over the years. I have studied herbalism, natural health, nutrition, and medical science for nearly 19 years.
The tipping point in my life occurred in 2013. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer which was life-altering not only for me, but my family. With my herbal knowledge, along with some friendly experts in the town who were herbalists, I was able to assist and give my mother nearly 3 additional years to her life. Before she died, she thanked me for all I did to help her live a good life, and told me to follow my dream. She died hours later on a Saturday in June 2016. I was right in the middle of my midterms of my undergraduate degree with six classes to go till graduation. I nearly gave up. However, I knew what I had to do. I persevered and pushed forward and graduated with my undergraduate degree, and earned my MBA. My experience with them changed my life. Business school teaches you many things, but one thing I’ve never forgotten was that in today’s world you have to be adaptable and unique. Sure, anybody can open a store and sell you a product. But, do they have heart? Do they treat you like a part of the family? Are they knowledgeable in the products they sell?
The Pandemic has challenged all of us – Mentally, physically, and spiritually. While taking care of my father, I realized that I still have a lot to do. I thoroughly enjoy helping people which is why I created Apex Herbals using my experience of over 19 years. I am a Certified CBD Consultant and happy to answer all of your CBD questions. I am also pursuing my Master’s in Herbal Medicine with one of the few accredited schools in the nation and am looking forward to becoming a Master Herbalist as well.
My main focus is helping others find their light in health. No, I am not a doctor and can’t diagnose or prescribe. I’m no magical healer, no hocus pocus. I thrive on helping others get healthy and live their best life possible. At Apex Herbals, my competitive advantage from the competition (even Amazon) is that you get me. Yes, me. I’m just a regular guy. However, the knowledge that I possess and can pass on to you is why I’m here. I’ll be frequently blogging and providing knowledge to pass on and share with friends and family. By providing free CBD consultations, many are able to get their questions answered, and while they are at it, purchase what they need right off the site. Apex Herbals is a family-owned small business, and I only source my products with reputable suppliers with quality goods. I encourage you to take a look around the site. We are growing our product database, so if there is something you are looking for I can get it for you. The difference is quality my friends. We strive to have a majority of products that are either all-natural or organic in nature as it is important to what you put in your body. Put everything together, and you have an amazing sales experience. At Apex Herbals, we pride ourselves on customer service. We go the extra mile to help in any way we can. Let me know what I can do to help. visit the contact us page and send me a message. I stand behind my business, the mission statement, and what we stand for.
Go Thrive!
~Mikele K., MBA, CCBDC, COI