Want to get the inside 411 scoop on new items, deals, coupons, and everything Apex Herbals at Hartville Marketplace? You’ve come to the right place! Just scan the QR Code below, or visit our Loyalty Rewards Signup Page now. Earn 1 point for every dollar spent, and get rewards based on your dollars spent with us! Rewards never expire, and you can bank your points to get even higher discounts and rewards! It’s our way of saying thanks for being a loyal customer of Apex Herbals! To make the deal of signing up for our rewards program, get $5 on your next purchase just for signing up.

By providing your information to us to Join the Apex Club, you authorize us to place you in our SMS text message program, email, and mailing lists that will send up to 4 text messages, emails, or random mailings per month that can be coupons, member-only discounts, or freebies being given away! We don’t sell your information, nor do we spam you. Just good Apex stuff right to your phone, email, or home.
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